понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.


Haha iapos;m seriously loving mondays.
today was a pretty awesome day.
my laptop charger that i order just this past thursday/friday/ i donapos;t know when exactly
came in today and i had expected it to come in like in 2 weeks.
then i went for taylorapos;s birthday dinner.
and i finally got a email reply about my auburn application. And theyapos;re changing it to a regular student application. Yeah. And iapos;ve practically finished a total of four college applications just need to get the teacher recommendations out.
iapos;m almost done with cofc, unc and auburn. Usc is already done.
then i think the next one iapos;ll work on will be uva and notre dame and possibly tulane?, and penn? possibly emory? oh and texas.
and my SAT score will be out this wednesday iapos;m pretty hopeful.iapos;m hoping for mid 700s for all. Or at the very least 700s then i might just go ahead and apply ivy league or something.
because a part of me likes the idea of going to a school with potential husbands. But iapos;m pretty sure the only ivy with a business school is penn. And iapos;ve seen the application. Itapos;s quite tough. There are a few essays to write. Plus one little short answer thing about which professor you would like to work with for undergrad research or something like that. Research had never really been one of my priorities.
haha ok. Iapos;m no where done in college apps. Iapos;m just a little closer.
i hope that i donapos;t get rejected to all of the colleges i apply to. But at the same time maybe getting rejected by some will be good so i can cross them off my list.
iapos;m really into unc and uva right now. I think theyapos;re my top choices. I would hate to get rejected by them.i really want to be done with college applications.

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chevrolet newfields

1. I am NOT taking Bloomie out to dinner at the Diamond Club. I have reputation to protect within my community and cannot afford to be seen associating with a KNOWN FINANCIAL PLANNER. Word gets out, next thing you know they start accusing you of being "in accounting".

2. Let it be known that I am shocked to discover that Bloomie is a financial planner, and furthermore the drinks we had together at Duffyapos;s in Port St. Lucie never happened. And Mitch And Donna werenapos;t there, and neither was Ron Darling. And he wasnapos;t drunk either. And I have the pictures to prove it.

3. Bloomie can just plain forget about giving his season tickets to Neeker when "coyote takes me to dinner at the Diamond Club" . Since when do you give Tickets to a third party when somebody takes you to dinner?
OR is this all just part of the dirty little deal that went down in the fantasy league last summer when Bloomie was eliminated and he traded Johann Santana to Neeker for some horseshit catcher just so Neeker could kick poor Lennyapos;s ass in the playoffs. What did you REALLY GET in that deal, Bloomie? A boat? Lake front property in Minnesota?

4. Bloomie better enjoy those season tickets at citifield while he can because I have some connections in the Obama Campaign, and when That One takes office Iapos;m going to see to it that they "spread" those season tickets my way.

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camus line stranger

itapos;s really cold here....well maybe its because the door is open,but i donapos;t want to stand up and close it,cause iapos;m too tired.
i arrived at home not to long ago,iapos;m really pissed today.i have headache.i really often have headache,and i took 2 tablets but they arenapos;t of any help.i got an D + in france.i never was so bad at it befor.-.- iapos;m losing to a friend of mine.thats really not good.and then we doesnapos;t have anything to eat.iapos;m hungry ~____~
i canapos;t cook - or no - if i cook,it looks to creepy to eat it.so its better if i donapos;t try it out.

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dog rapist

Off till Friday this week.� Had to use all my vacation before holiday seasopn starts in November.

I am itching to find a way back into my old like of work.� I�know I promised my boss two years, but I really miss working with people, and especially teaching.� I know there are a lot of openings out there, but I really donapos;t know if Iapos;m up for all of the rejection letters I got the last time I tried this.� Damn no child left behind.� I have five years of experience teaching in a specialized population with incredible references.� Why is it that because my degree is in social work and I do not have a teaching license that I am un hireable.� I watched people move into teaching positions without even so much as any degree out here, but all I get is excuses that I canapos;t be hired because I donapos;t have the educational background to justify hiring me.� I hear about the woes of an educational system that has the lowest percentage of male teachers in over 50 years, yet I keep getting shut out when I am willing and experienced in teaching in the fields that they are targeting male teacher recruitment.� What am I missing here?

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

against american nais

Stolen from
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup (apos;apos;) in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

Stolen from

A. Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/etc. That you#39;ve had an obsessive fannish love of at some time in your life.

B. Have your flist guess your favorite character and/or pairing (...I...really don#39;t have a lot of pairings, it#39;s just easier without them...) from each item. Number your answers.

Some are going to be terribly easy if you#39;ve talked to me for any amount of time. Some have been culled from my childhood and maybe won#39;t be as simple. Though my tastes really haven#39;t changed much. Mm. Some...people probably aren#39;t even familiar with and won#39;t ever guess but they are there to make up for the easy ones. So there.

1. Transformers
2. Moulin Rouge
3. Rent
4. Stand By Me
5. The Bad News Bears
6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
7. Gorillaz
8. Mad Men
9. Ewoks (cartoon...I was young, shut up)
10. Beauty and the Beast (tv, not Disney)
11. Spring Awakening
12. Star Trek DS9:
13. Harry Potter
14. Sandman
15. X-Men
16. Discworld
17. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
18. The Long Walk (it#39;s a Stephen King book...I obsessed enough to attempt a screenplay in high school.)
19. Fright Night
20. Robin of Sherwood

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erics emotion

Maybe iapos;m just very upset because iapos;m stressed and have my period. I have a lot of work to do the next week but I think just doing it and getting a lot of sleep and some exercise will do me good.

Friday night I hung out with the girls from McCarthy for awhile then went over to Patapos;s. We sat in his room listening to Broken Social Scene and smoking cigarettes and just talking until 2 am. Heapos;s like a girlfriend, i donapos;t know how i feel about it. Thereapos;s literally no chemistry at all but we hang out everyday. I really want to have chemistry with a boy... Maybe Iapos;ll meet a cute one on my floor that can also help me with my homework. I just want to find someone i can be excited about.

Decided to go to Philly yesterday and Iapos;m really glad i did even though Iapos;m more sick than i was and i didnapos;t get any work done. The party was really fun, I met nick hariban and heapos;s pretty sweet. Seeing everyone was really nice and I love jill and jake together it makes me hopeful. And steve Ide just makes me smile. I wish i had courage. And i wish that dave was there. And that i didnapos;t sleep in a closet because i have random bruises all over.

I hate how in the city you canapos;t smile at someone because they automatically think you want to fuck them. Even if theyapos;re 50 years old, or fat as hell. It bothers me that men think they can tell me they want me and iapos;ll fall to my knees with joy. It seems to only happen in the city too, when I smile at a man in the supermarket or something back home they know Iapos;m just being nice, a smile can go a long way.

I hope there is something great to do Friday because iapos;ll need it after this week. I feel good about things lately.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

disney downtown hotel orlando

For some reason my internet has decided to hide what is dear to me right now, and I havent been able to find�a VK wallscroll anywhere
Does anyone have a link to a nice Yuuki/Zero poster or wallscroll?
Actually, it doesnt even have to be a Yuuki/Zero one, a group will do, just no oher pairing as the main feature.
Preferably vertical.

I will love you long time if you can find one for purchase for me.

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Again nothing new going on.

Went to Missyapos;s for a girls night and had a lot of fun. There was a lot of yelling. I actually held her baby. My appetizers were a hit.

We made a skull and crossbones out of our pumpkin. No mold yet though the smaller cut out pieces got to dehydrated and folded over. Oh well still looks awesome.

Got news on a new job oppurtunity. Will be filling out an app this weekend at some point. Emailing a resume. My meeting with bitch from hell is nov 20th so i got to get out before then.

no big plans for the weekend.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

appraisal art mosaic

I want to sent a heartfelt R.I.P. Out to Levi Stubbs. Iapos;m ashamed to say, that for whatever reason, I was under the impression that he was already dead. As it turns out, I was wrong.

Nobody could flip out and scream and shout like Levi Stubbs. Listen to something like the Four Tops jam "Bernadette", or their cover of "Walk Away Renee". For the most direct show of how much this guy could flip out, just listen to his guest appearance on the Supremesapos; song "When the Lovelight Starts Shining Through His Eyes", in which Levi Stubbs just screams like a damn mad man at one point and itapos;s the most awesome thing ever.

Truly one of my favorite vocalists of all time and easily one of the best. They donapos;t make apos;em like this guy anymore.

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